Change Your University Lighting: Go Green, Go Better

When your university installs lighting fixtures that are energy-efficient, not only will you reduce your energy bill, you will also create a better environment for everyone. On a college campus, students walk around campus at various times of the day. You do not want your students to be afraid to walk on campus at night, this is why better lighting is so important.

When your students have to walk around campus at night, LED lighting will create a better distribution of lighting.When there are dark areas on campus, those areas will be more targeted by criminals and/or vandals. When lighting is evenly distributed, there will be fewer dark spots on campus.

No one wants to constantly look behind them because they are afraid someone will harm them. When your campus lighting is equipped with LED lighting, everyone will notice the difference in lighting. Another great thing about LED lighting is that you will be able to control the angle of your lighting, this means you will have control of placing the lighting in a corner or other spaces that may not have been lit using your previous lighting methods.

LED lights will last for a significant amount of time. These lights will last so long that your current students will have graduated and more students will come in before these light bulbs will need to be changed. You can have LED lights that will last up to seven or eight years.

How Exterior Illumination Easily Makes Your Hotel More Inviting

Adding exterior lighting to your hospitality venue is an easy way to create an appealing façade for your building which will draw in more customers and therefore increase revenue. Illuminating the outside of your business is the perfect way to instantly make it look warmer, more inviting, and higher in quality while still being a cost-effective improvement method.


Highlighting the exterior features of your hotel including the insignia, well-manicured landscaping and greenery, cascading fountains, and available parking areas and thoroughfares automatically elevates the aesthetic quality of your establishment. When the external characteristics of the hotel are accentuated, patrons will be more likely to investigate the internal amenities and choose to stay there.


We’ve all seen horror movie scenes where the protagonists coast their stalling automobile into the dark, spooky parking lot of a sinister-looking hotel, foreshadowing the ill-fated activities that take place there. Don’t make the mistake of allowing your building to become a stereotypical Bates Motel lookalike by leaving the outside unlit and unwelcoming. No matter how appealing it may be in the daytime hours, after dusk weary travelers will pass up your venue for a brighter, more cheery option. Not to mention, a lack of lighting also presents a safety hazard, increasing the likelihood of customers and staff members to experience  painful trips and falls.


Making the investment to have exterior illumination installed at your building speaks highly of you and your establishment. Being conscientious enough to anticipate the aesthetic quality and safety advantages that outside illumination creates, makes your current and potential customers feel more confident in their decision to book a stay with your company.

Fashioning a beautiful eye-catching hospitality establishment that will be the envy of all others has never been easier. Your literal and figurative “lightbulb moment” will help you become the preferred hotel for family vacationers, business gurus, honeymooners, and adventurers of all sorts.

Give Your Customers A Better Experience With An Upgrade To Your Grocery Store Lighting

Many grocery store owners are always looking to find ways to get their customers to see that their grocery store is more than just a place to buy their basic grocery necessities. One of the keys to attracting shoppers and keeping your food fresh is to implement appropriate grocery store lighting.

There are a variety of ways to use LED lighting to your advantage. Lighting can enhance the customer experience, and it can also highlight all of your products in the store. We want to give you some ways on how grocery store lighting can upgrade your grocery store in a variety of ways.


When you invest in a lighting system like LED lighting, the cost that it takes to operate and maintain the lighting will be reduced significantly. Can you imagine what you can do with the extra savings that you used to spend on your utility bill? You will be able to utilize those extra funds to improve your grocery store.

Brighter Display

You want your grocery store and its products to be more appealing to your consumers. When your grocery store has LED lighting, every department will have bright lights that will showcase your store’s products. If you want to showcase fresh fruits, meats, etc. in the best way possible, you should definitely use LED lighting. If your products look appealing in the store, consumers will be more likely to purchase them. They will also be more likely to return to the store for another shopping trip.

As a grocery store owner, you need to give your customers a great customer experience.

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Parking Lot Lighting?

Lighting your business’s parking lot is critical in providing your employees, clients, and customers with safety. If you have a dark parking lot, you could put everyone at risk for car accidents and theft. If your business has been opened for many years, there is a good chance your business still has the same lighting in place from the first day it opened.

Over the years, it is likely your lighting is not as good as it used to be. If your lighting is not efficient, it could result in major consequences for your business. If you are unsure if your business needs to replace its parking lot lighting, we want to make you aware of some signs.

Your Lights Have To Be Changed Often

If you have to constantly change the light bulbs in your parking lot, you are likely spending an excessive amount of money that can be used elsewhere. The good thing about LED lights is that they can last for a significant amount of time. If you are tired of replacing your parking lot lights, this could be a sign that you need to choose another option for parking lot lighting.

Complaints From Customers/Employees

Do you hear from your employees and/or customers about how unsafe they feel when they are in the parking lot? Crimes do take place in parking lots, especially when there is not enough lighting. When there is not enough lighting in an area, some people usually take that opportunity to commit crimes against an unsuspecting person.

Dark Areas

When you drive around your parking lot, do you notice that some areas are brighter than others? If there are some places that are not fully lit, your business parking lot has bad lighting. When you use better lighting fixtures, especially LED lighting, you will have better lighting placement.

Two Important Benefits of LED Parking Garage Lighting

Many people consider parking garages as ugly, dark, and dangerous places. This reputation is due in large part to poor upkeep and poor lighting. It doesn’t help that commonly used lights in parking garages produce an eerie off-white color that disorients the customer. However, this can be changed by using clean reflective surfaces on the ceiling and walls and by using LED lighting. Here is how you benefit from this change:

More Attractive to Your Customers

Bright lighting elevates the mood of your customers and makes them feel safer. The feeling of safety that people experience in daylight is both real and psychological. This feeling is reproduced in parking garages brightly lit with LEDs. LED lights closely resemble daylight and therefore produce similar psychological feelings. The improved lighting also makes the area more attractive and upscale. Customers are then more inclined to come back and do repeat business.

Improves Your Customer’s Safety

Bright lighting and surveillance cameras reduce crime. The improved lighting also allows customers to see slippery areas, irregular surfaces, curbs, wheel stops, and other features that might cause slip or trip-and-fall accidents. Reduced crime and falls decreases your risk of customer lawsuits arising from crime victimization and fall injuries. Poor lighting is a common reason property owners are required to pay damages in these lawsuits.

The above benefits are further enhanced by clean, white reflective wall and ceiling surfaces. This disperses light and increases the overall illumination. The right choice of paint or surface treatment will also repel dirt and soot buildup, which diminish the garage illumination over time.

Two other benefits you’ll enjoy from LED parking garage lighting are lower energy bills from the high energy efficiency of LEDs, and reduced maintenance costs from the long operating life of LEDs.

Three Benefits of Warehouse Lighting with LEDs

Warehouse operation can make or break a business. For many companies, it’s the bottleneck that slows down their customer fulfillment process. Therefore the warehouse manager should exploit every opportunity to improve warehouse productivity. One such opportunity is LED lighting. Here are three reasons to change your warehouse lighting to LEDs:

Emits a Fuller Spectrum of Light

LED lighting is similar to daylight except that it doesn’t have the harmful UV levels of sunlight. LED light is white and brighter per watt consumed than other commonly used lighting. This is particularly important in a warehouse environment because product picking errors are costly in terms of customer returns and lost business. A well illuminated warehouse is important for avoiding injuries where forklifts and workers on foot work side by side.

Increases Worker Productivity

LED lighting contains a blue light component that improves mental alertness in the same way as exposure to natural sunlight. This is an important consideration if you wish to boost the productivity of night shifts. The body’s circadian rhythm is cued by the presence or absence of the blue component of sunlight. Blue light signals the body that it’s daytime and triggers wakefulness, while its absence signals nighttime and triggers drowsiness. This effect of LEDs can potentially reduce night shift accidents.

Easily Used In “Smart Lighting”

LEDs are easily used with motion sensors and timers that can dim or turn them off in warehouse areas not being used. Unlike many other types of lighting, LEDs are readily dimmed, brightened, and turned on or off without their damage or reducing their operational life. They don’t require warm up periods, which means they turn on instantly. When combined with the low energy consumption of LEDs, smart lighting substantially lowers your warehouse lighting costs.

Hotel Lighting: 3 Lighting Tips For Your Lobby

A hotel is meant to be a home away from home for business travelers, families who are enjoying their vacation, or any other individual or group of people in need of a warm bed. There are many nuanced details to consider when crafting a warm, inviting accommodation for your guests and lighting is definitely a top priority. If you are looking for extra ways to make your hotel lobby more welcoming, check out these three hotel lighting tips.

  1. Choose Lighting That is Intrinsically Friendly: Since you are creating a setting that is a home away from home for your lodgers, you want your lighting to be many things, particularly friendly. Don’t go for harsh lighting in your lobby or anywhere else in the hotel. Strive for lighting that offers soft warmth and familiarity.
  2. Avoid Florescent Lighting Like The Plague: Florescent lighting is to be reserved for sterile, bland environments like dreary offices or school hallways, not a hotel lobby. Though it might seem like the most efficient, simplistic thing to do for your hotel lobby lighting, it could seriously leave your visitors with a sour impression. Many people dislike the harshness and coldness of florescent lighting and even complain of headaches. Additionally, florescent lighting does not nicely accent the decor and furniture in your hotel lobby the way warm lighting does.
  3. Strive For Elegance And Uniqueness: You want warm lighting, but you also want lighting that stands out and impresses your visitors. Give them something to remember. Go for lighting that doesn’t just offer light but is truly artistic in its form. You want the lighting to be representative of the feel of the entire hotel.

Tips for Exterior Lighting and How to Keep Safe During the Winter

As the days get shorter and the nights longer, having exterior lighting is more important than ever. Whether you own an office building or an apartment building, you need to make sure that the office workers or apartment tenants stay safe. People will be leaving work when it’s dark, and ice and snow can create dangerous situations.

Exterior lights should be placed along all walkways around your building, by steps, and near the entrance. Having lights near the entrance will make the building look more welcoming. You also want lights in the parking lot so that people can enter and leave their cars safely, and so that they can see where they are going (around one in five collisions occur in parking lots).

Lights should also be installed all around your building, especially near any entrance points. This will keep your building safe at night from intruders.

When installing exterior lighting, you need to consider a number of things. First of all, the outside surroundings usually don’t reflect light as much as indoor furniture. This can cause the light to shine heavily on one area without lighting up other areas. You want the light to cast a glow over a large swath of land. You also don’t want the lights to be too bright and end up shining through the building’s windows.

Of course, all exterior lights must be able to withstand the outdoor weather conditions such as rain, snow, heat, and frost.

Environmental Sustainability: Why LED Lighting Is a Step in the Right Direction

Economic sustainability requires that business activity not cause environmental deterioration or depletion of natural resources. For the most part, this hasn’t been the case for the last 150 years. Energy inefficient technologies accelerate the use of non-renewable fossil fuels that spew carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere. However, more recent technologies are reversing this trend. These include LED lighting, which is having a positive effect on reaching environmental sustainability in a number of ways. Here are four of them:

LEDs Put Out More Light with Less Power

Lighting can account for a third or more of the energy consumption in buildings. This hefty energy consumption is due to huge inefficiencies in old lighting technology such as incandescent and fluorescent lighting. LEDs are far more efficient than either of these two lighting technologies.

From a sustainability point of view, LEDs reduce fossil fuel consumption and place a smaller energy load on renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. This makes renewable energy sources and their reliance on battery storage technology more economically viable. Technological improvements in renewable energy, batteries, and LED lighting will only make renewable energy still more competitive in the years to come.

LEDs Have a Greater Service Life Than Other Forms of Lighting

LEDs have a substantially greater service life than either incandescent or fluorescent lighting. This reduces LED light replacement, which reduces the environmental impact of their manufacture since fewer lights are required. The resource and energy consumption of their manufacture and packaging, as well as the fuel consumption of transporting raw material and finished products are reduced.

The greater service life of LEDs also reduce their disposal into landfills. LEDs don’t contain environmentally damaging substances such as the mercury used in fluorescent lights.

LEDs Produce Less Heat

The extensive lighting of buildings place a heavy heat load on air conditioning systems during warm weather. Because LEDs put out substantially less heat, air conditioning systems do less work and therefore consume less energy.

LED Light Output Is Easily Controlled by Sensors

LED lights are easily dimmed and switched on and off by sensing technology such as motion sensors. These prevent unnecessary lighting in unoccupied areas of buildings, which further reduces energy consumption.

Protect Your Customers and Your Business with LED Lighting

As a responsible business owner, you’ve kept your property safe for both your customers and employees by looking for and promptly correcting safety hazards. Injured employees reduce your productivity and their insurance claims increase premiums. When customers get injured, you risk possible litigation and losing their repeat business. One of the most common injuries sustained on business property is slip, trip, and fall accidents. These can occur in any area frequented by foot traffic.

For example, staircases are often the site of fall injuries. They and their railings should be structurally sound. Carpeting at their top and bottom must be free of wrinkles and well secured. Likewise, parking lot pavement shouldn’t have large pot holes, cracks, or other tripping hazards. It must be cleared of ice and snow. Similar upkeep duties exist for sidewalks, walkways, and garages. In addition to structural problems and slippery surfaces, another common cause of slip, trip, and fall accidents is poor lighting.

In fact, poor lighting alone is a big risk factor in these accidents. In some ways, lighting is the weakest link in your efforts to keep your business premises safe. One burnt out or dimming/flickering bulb can make sections of your otherwise well maintained property unsafe. Business owners are required to cordon off or place a warning next to uncorrected safety hazards. However, unless the warnings are themselves lights, they become invisible without good lighting.

LED lighting will last up to five times longer than CFL lights. LED lighting also has a fuller frequency spectrum than CFL lights. This means the light is more similar to daylight and therefore provides better illumination. Longer lifetime and better light add up to better protection of your customers, employees, and your business. Other benefits include lower energy costs and reduced maintenance requirements.