Debunking LED Lighting Myths

In the world of lighting technology, LED solutions have emerged as the gold standard for energy efficiency, sustainability, and performance. Yet, despite their widespread adoption and proven benefits, several myths and misconceptions continue to linger.

Here are four myths weā€™ve seen people mention and the truth behind each statement.

Myth 1: LED Lighting Is Too Expensive to Install

One of the most persistent myths surrounding LED lighting is that it’s prohibitively expensive to install. While it’s true that LED fixtures may have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional lighting technologies, the long-term savings they offer far outweigh the initial investment.

LED bulbs last significantly longer and consume far less energy than incandescent or fluorescent lights, resulting in lower maintenance and operating costs over time. Many utility companies also offer rebates and incentives for commercial businesses that switch to LED lighting, further offsetting the upfront expenses.

Truth: LED lighting upgrades may require an initial investment, but the long-term savings in energy costs and maintenance expenses make them a cost-effective choice for businesses in the long run.

Myth 2: LED Lights Are Not Bright Enough

Another common misconception is that LED lights are not as bright as traditional lighting sources like incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. This myth likely stems from early iterations of LED technology, which may have had lower lumen output compared to traditional lights. However, advancements in LED technology have resulted in fixtures that are not only as bright but often brighter than their traditional counterparts. Modern LED lights are available in a range of color temperatures and brightness levels, allowing businesses to customize their lighting to suit their specific needs.

Truth: LED lights are available in a wide range of brightness levels and are capable of providing enough light for commercial settings.

Myth 3: LED Lights Have a Limited Color Range

Some people believe that LED lights have a limited color range and cannot replicate the warm glow of incandescent bulbs. While early LED lights may have had a narrower color spectrum, modern LED technology offers an extensive range of color temperatures and hues. From warm, inviting tones to cool, crisp whites, LED lights can mimic the full spectrum of natural daylight and beyond. Businesses can choose LED fixtures that best complement their branding, ambiance, and visual preferences without sacrificing energy efficiency or performance.

Truth: LED lights come in a wide range of colors and color temperatures, allowing businesses to achieve the desired ambiance and aesthetics in their commercial spaces.

Myth 4: LED Lights Cause Eye Strain

There’s a misconception that LED lights can cause eye strain or headaches, particularly when used in dimming applications. High-quality LED lights, especially those equipped with advanced dimming controls and drivers, provide clear and bright lighting suitable for extended use without strain. By working with high-quality lighting products, businesses can ensure a consistent and comfortable lighting experience for their employees and customers.

Truth: Modern LED lights are designed to minimize eye strain and discomfort for users.

It’s essential to separate fact from fiction when it comes to LED lighting. By debunking common myths and understanding the truth behind LED technology, businesses can make informed decisions about their lighting upgrades.

Letā€™s get started on a lighting upgrade for your site or facility! Contact the Relumination team to learn more.

LED Reduces Environmental Impact and Overall Costs

As standards for energy efficiency increase around the country, commercial properties must find ways to decrease consumption. These rising standards are creating new challenges for owners and managers of commercial buildings. They are also providing a unique opportunity to lower long-term costs associated with energy consumption. According to theĀ U.S. Energy Information Administration, lighting accounts for 17% of total energy usage in commercial properties. Recent progress in the development of LED lighting is set to lower that number significantly, and a breakdown of the science behind it shows how.

How LED Lights Work

An electric current is sent through a microchip which activates light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and visible light is created. Excess heat is drained into a heat sink within the unit to ensure its efficiency and longevity. LEDs emit directional light, which is focused only on spaces that require illumination.Ā Ā Energy StarĀ notes that this process is more efficient than competing methods of illumination like compact fluorescent lighting (CFL) since these send light and heat in every direction. The efficiency of LEDs isn’t limited to its creation of light, however.

Lifespan of LED

A notable benefit of this light technology is it’s extraordinarily long lifespan. Expertly engineered LED lights have the potential to last 8-10 times longer than fluorescent lighting of comparable brightness. For commercial properties, this corresponds to lower maintenance costs on replacement and greater overall efficiency. The U.S. Department of Energy detailed the superiority of LED technology over CFL and incandescent in aĀ studyĀ that examined the life cycle of these light sources. Not only are the two latter technologies unable to compete with the overall efficiency of LED, their environmental impact is also greater.

No two buildings are the same. To achieve maximum efficiency, commercial properties require individualized assessments to determine their lighting needs.Ā ReluminationĀ specializes in energy-efficient lighting installations that will reduce overhead costs and decrease environmental impact. PleaseĀ contact usĀ for more information and to determine your next step towards a more efficient future for your building.

Business Tax Credits Available for Lighting Upgrades

Business Tax Credits for LED Lighting

CongressĀ  has extended the Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction (Section 179D) tax credit originally included in the 2005 Energy Policy Act (EPACT) and the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. If you manage, own or lease a commercial or industrial building, and you pay taxes, you may be entitled to receive a tax credit per square foot of building for installing or upgrading your lighting to an energy efficient LED system. You are eligible to claim the deduction for new construction and energy-renovation projects. The deduction is available for different types of building use, including warehouses, industrial enterprises, office buildings, retail stores, and four-story+ apartment buildings.

Carry-Back and Carry-Forward

If you previously installed LED lighting up to three years ago, you may be entitled to carry back accrued tax deductions for two years or carry those credits forward for up to 20 years. There are some exceptions to this, so please consult with your tax attorney or CPA.

How to Qualify

To qualify for available tax credits, the Act says the lighting system improvements must be made to interior systems. There are different ways to calculate the tax credit.

  • If the LED lighting system is installed as part of a major project which includes HVAC and/or building envelope work, the then energy saving resulting from the project must equal 16.67% of the total savings.
  • If the lighting system improvements come under the Interim Lighting Rule, then lighting power density should be reduced by between 25% and 40%, or 50% for a warehouse.

Cost Savings

179D enables savings of up to 60 cents per square foot.Ā This siteĀ provides more detail. As we mentioned above, the energy savings must equal certain minimum levels, depending on which IRS notice applies, and the actual building use. The bottom line is that the tax savings – which can be carried back or forward – will have an impact on the cost of your renovation project.

PleaseĀ click here to contact usĀ to discuss how we may be able to assist with your energy savings plans to install or improve your LED lighting system. We are here to answer your questions. We are not tax experts, so please consult your tax attorney or CPA for specific tax advice.


Improving Worker Safety and Profitability

Maintaining a warehouse or distribution center is not an easy task, especially since these buildings are generally quite large and demand more time and effort compared to other operations. For instance, operating a small antique shop is simple because you can start and finish with great results in an extremely short period of time, but a warehouse just has so much square footage to cover. It is important to consider the fact that the lighting is a crucial part of any building, but especially warehouses and distribution centers as they require so much lighting and have a lot to do with worker safety.

Better Light Quality, Less Accidents

When you invest into LED lighting, you will know that the quality level of lighting is better than other options. Protecting your workers is an important part of running a business, especially because an injury claim can cost thousands of dollars rather quickly. Additionally, dealing with a serious injury from your employees can lead to a huge damper on productivity as they may be an important part of your team. While this may indirectly relate to lighting, this does not change the fact that going with LED forĀ warehouse & distribution center lightingĀ is definitely the best option available.

Longer Lasting, Less Replacing

It is not uncommon for a warehouse to require dozens of lights to maintain proper lighting, and this can get expensive, especially when you consider energy expenses. Fortunately, LED lighting lasts much longer than alternative choices, so not having to replace them as soon as you would with other types of lighting means savings on the purchase of lights and the time required to replace them.

Excellent Durability is Ideal for this Work Setting

While there are some businesses that do not go through much physical work, a warehouse is likely to see a lot of moving around of items with heavy machinery. It is extremely beneficial that LED lighting is very durable compared to other lighting types, and this is because being able to withstand a little bit of pressure can mean not needing to replace a light after getting hit by a hand or object lightly.

If you want to improve your warehouse or distribution center with LED lighting,Ā contact usĀ for more information.

The Importance Of Energy-Efficiency

If you are an owner of a commercial building, something you should be familiar with is energy efficiency. Most people are familiar with energy efficiency but don’t realize how much your building could be using every day. You want to operate the best possible building with the best possible quality and services. Reducing your energy efficiency can be a game-changer in the quality and cost of your commercial building.

What Is Energy-Efficiency

Energy efficiency means using less energy to do the same task, eliminating energy waste. Increasing energy efficiency is the most cost-effective and often timely way to reduce the use of fossil fuels. In regard to commercial buildings, energy efficiency refers to the extent to which energy is consumed per square meter.

Why You Should Care

Lighting is one of the biggest costs in commercial buildings.Ā  Upgrading your lighting to more energy-efficient solutions can decrease the overall cost of running your building. We have helped our customers save over 4 million dollars to date. Not only can decreasing energy efficiency help your wallet it can also help the environment. When you consume less power in a commercial building you are helping conserve resources and contributing to a healthier and safer world. The companies we have served have seen a 90% decrease in energy consumption.

How We Can Help

We offer lighting solutions that are sustainable and reduce energy consumption. Our customers are in a variety of industries and include companies such as WinCo Foods,Ā  Dillard’s, Alberstons, and more. We assist facilities with reducing energy costs, improving lighting, lower maintenance expenses and most importantly reduce your environmental footprint. Which will make a healthier and happier environment for your employees.

Contact usĀ today for all of your energy-efficient lighting solutions. And check out ourĀ blogĀ for more energy-efficient tips!

LED Ratings and Listings Explained

When upgrading to LED’s for your business or warehouse, there are many factors to consider: cost, savings over time, the environment, worker safety, and more. Upgrading your business may seem complicated, but learning about LED lighting and knowing how to choose the right lighting will pay in the long run. You may have encountered different ratings and listings for LED lighting, and this article will help you and your business to make sense of these unfamiliar terms.

DLC Standard and Premium Ratings

Many commercial LED products have been certified by theĀ Design Lights Consortium, a non-profit dedicated to optimizing lighting while reducing impact on people and the environment. The DLC only focuses on commercial LED lighting products, and offers standard quality ratings and premium quality ratings.

All DLC ratings include a minimum light output (in lumens) which vary depending on the product. Premium-rated products must put out at least 15 lumens over the standard products. All products must also pass an efficacy requirement (lumens achieved per Watt) which varies per product. Premium ratings require at least 15 lumens per Watt more than the standard rating.

Regardless of rating, all DLC-approved products must be capable of dimming. Premium products must have the option for integral controls, making them ideal for large businesses such as warehouses. Only retrofit kits and luminaries can receive premium DLC ratings.

Energy Star Ratings

Energy Star ratings are familiar and though they’re typically used for residential lighting, a few commercial LED products can receive these ratings for energy efficiency as well. TheseĀ includeĀ accent lights and recessed downlights. Commercial LED products with an Energy Star rating have been tested for

Commercial buildings,Ā however, can receive Energy Star ratings for being efficient without sacrificing quality, and LED lighting can help you as a business owner to achieve this. These standards are set by the EPA and certification happens once per year. Energy Star scores range from 1-100, with 75 or above meaning that a building is top of the line when it comes to energy efficiency.

L70 Ratings

TheĀ L70 ratingĀ for an LED can help you determine how often you should change your lighting in your facility. This in turn can help you to calculate your long-term cost of upgrading to LED’s.

The L70 rating will tell you how long you should expect an LED light to “live” before the lumens it gives off drops to 70% of its full potential. This is considered the length of its useful life. This rating is typically measured in hours.

IP Ratings

IP Ratings, or Ingress Protection Ratings, can tell you how well your LED lighting will stand up against hazards such as water and dust.

This rating can help you choose lighting based on the conditions inside your facility and can help you cut down maintenance costs in the long run. Buildings with more dust and moisture will benefit from LED’s with a higher IP rating.

IP ratingsĀ rangeĀ from IP40 (lights designed to go inside fully enclosed and protected fixtures) to IP67 which offers complete protection against water and dust. These lights can be up to a full meter underwater without suffering any damage.

C1D1 and CID2 Ratings

Safety is always a concern in every facility, and you are likely familiar withĀ CID1 and CID2 ratings, which indicate the presence where flammable gases could (or are) present.

LED lighting products with these ratings mean that they’re safe to use in these locations. A CID1 rating means that an LED can be used in CID1 locations (where flammable gases may be present) and a CID2 rating means that an LED can be safely used in a CID2 location (where such vapors are known to be present.)

NSF Ratings

Sometimes, LED lighting will be used in a facility where food prep or handling takes place. It’s important for lighting to prevent bacteria buildup and enhance the safety of both the food and the employees, and NSF-rated lighting must be shatterproof to avoid any broken glass in food. These lights are certified by theĀ National Sanitation FoundationĀ and is a requirement where LED lighting is used to aid in food preparation.

IDA and BUG Ratings

Reducing light pollutionĀ is a vital role for every business owner to play. A BUG (Backlight, Uplight, and Glare) rating can help your business choose lighting in a way to minimize light pollution that can be hazardous to people and wildlife alike.

The IDA (International Darksky Association) helped to develop theĀ BUG ratingĀ which tells how much extra light escapes from a fixture during nighttime hours. The scale for lighting zones ranges from LZ0 (no light) to LZ4 (very high lighting.) This means that in a LZ0 zone, only lights with very low BUG ratings can be used, and in LZ4 zones, higher ratings can be tolerated.

If you are ready to take your company’s cost savings to the next level,Ā contact usĀ at Relumination today to get started.

LED; the Path to Cost Savings

Commercial building managers are continuously seeking innovative ways to reduce costs. However, lighting replacement projects are often pushed aside for upgrades in such areas as HVAC systems, storage fixtures, and interior space expansions. But did you know that lighting costs can comprise up to almost 17% of the facility’s total energy expenditures? This is often caused by using power-hungry fluorescent and incandescent bulb lighting. Now is the time to consider upgrading your lighting system to moreĀ energy efficient LED technology.

The most obvious advantage to using LED lighting in the commercial setting is that of increased energy efficiency. A 4-foot, 32 watt fluorescent bulb uses 34 watts due to ballast inefficiencies. However, an LED tube replacement in that same area uses only 16 watts. Multiply this difference over the course of a year, and it is plain to see that substantial energy savings in the thousands of dollars can be realized.

Incandescent lights also generate greater amounts of heat caused by electric current traveling through filament. In order to compensate for this added heat, cooling systems and fans must work harder, adding to energy costs.Ā  LED, on the other hand, uses a process called electroluminescence which produces a much cooler light. LED uses light emitting diodes to accomplish this process without the fragile filaments that traditional bulbs use.

Reduction in maintenance costs is also another reason to use LED lighting.Ā  A report byĀ Energy StarĀ states that LED last 35 to 50 times longer than the traditional bulbs. As a result, less material costs are realized in replacement purchases. This translates to decreased labor costs and frees up time for staff to attend to more pressing maintenance tasks.

From a functional standpoint, LED is substantially brighter than the traditional bulbs. This can increase productivity since dim lighting can contribute to eye strain and headaches. LED lighting can mimic actual daylight which the human body naturally reacts and easily adapts to.

LED systems can also be software controlled when used with smart lighting on a wireless network. By harnessing the power of IoT (Internet of Things) technology, sensors can be programmed and enabled from a mobile device or computer to control varying degrees of lighting in every area. This is a game-changer for flexibility in lighting options across the facility’s work areas.

Delaying the upgrade to LED lighting systems will continue to cost your business in increased energy, maintenance, and material bills. Purchase and installation costs have come down which further substantiates doing this upgrade as soon as possible. As your business continues to grow there will be future costs for renovations, expansions, and equipment. Installing an LED lighting system will result in savings that can be used towards these projects.

There is no better time to upgrade your facility’s lighting to an LED system. This lighting has proven to be incredibly energy efficient and virtually maintenance-free, while providing a more sustainable solution to the business.Ā Contact usĀ today for more information on our commercial LED lighting systems.

Understanding Lighting Controls

What Are Lighting Controls

Lighting controlĀ systems are an intelligent network-based lighting control solution that incorporates communication between various system inputs and outputs related to lighting control with the use of one or more central computing devices. Having a good lighting control system enhances any large warehouse/distribution centers, manufacturing, and cold storage facilities.

How Lighting Controls Can Reduce Energy Consumption And Improve Safety

Lighting controls can reduce energy consumption by being set on timers and only being used when lighting is needed. This could mean light is only used when the sun isn’t out or when there is motion in the building. This could improve safety as well as energy consumption by making sure the area is well lit at all times.

Types Of Lighting Control Motion

Basic lighting controls include motion-sensing technology that will illuminate only when areas are occupied. When zones are vacant, the light automatically dims until spaces are filled again. Other lighting controls includeĀ DimmingĀ this can adjust the brightness of the lighting depending on the natural lighting and how much light is needed in the room.

Network Lighting Controls

Network lighting controls can control multiple devices within a building. Every fixture includes an integrated sensor that would allow various capabilities. You can program these control to function as needed. These sensors will not only control the lighting but also the temperature, humidity, power metering, space optimization and more. Network lighting controls can grow and adapt with a business, as they can be reprogrammed at any time

How Relumination Can Help

We can help you install and program lighting controls into your business. We help commercial and industrial companies reduce overhead costs, save electricity, minimize facilities management expenses, and decrease their environmental footprint. Check out ourĀ websiteĀ to learn more about our lighting control and other services.

3 Ways to Improve Energy-Efficiency In Commercial Buildings

Lighting is the largest use of electricity in commercial facilities. With the current pandemic and unpredictable future, saving money is more important than ever. Relumination has helped our customers save more than 4 million dollars to date, and we can help your commercial business too. Here are 3 ways we can increase energy savings and provide a more efficient lighting system for your commercial facility.

1. LED Lights

LED lighting is up to 80% more efficient than traditional lighting. LEDs are also longer lasting than traditional bulbs which will save you the time and energy of having to replace them often. LED lights are cheaper to run because they use significantly less electricity than traditional bulbs, which in return will cut out a large chunk of the electricity bill.

2. Use Sensors

Taking advantage of sensory can help cut down on costs. Using sensors in infrequently used spaces such as restrooms or storage spaces can save money by only running the lights when needed. By only running the lights when the room is occupied employees won’t have to worry about spreading germs through light switches or having to turn off and on the lights while carrying something, all while lowering the electricity bill.

3. Zoning

Most commercial buildings have the lights arranged in the original layout that they were when the building was built. Updating the layout of the lighting can help reduce costs. By rezoning your lighting layout you can take advantage of different types of lighting i.e low hanging and dimming in certain areas to help reduce costs and provide each area with the ideal lighting.

Relumination uses an effective 6 step approach to give each unique facility the best energy-efficient lighting solution. By determining your needs and creating a custom lighting plan, Relumination can increase your energy savings and provide you with a more efficient lighting system.

If you’re ready to trim a bit of your electricity and add to your savings contactĀ Relumination today to get in touch with one of our professionals!



The Advantages of IoT Controls

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Facilities managers and production managers always look to maximize ROI on any new system or improvements to an existing one.Ā  Knowing the advantages of IoT controls enables managers to focus on optimizing production, storage, or distribution methods. LED lighting delivers an immediate cost reduction to any facility, but adding specific sensors to the lighting units and linking those sensors to customized software gives managers information about each area, activity, and timing.

By analyzing the data, those managers get insights into everything that is happening 24/7/365 in each part of the facility. The net result is maximum energy efficiency, performance efficiency, and improved safety.

Basic Advantages of IoT

Efficiencies of LED lighting may deliver up to 50% in energy savings. By installing purpose-designed sensors, even greater efficiencies are deliverable. The sensors detect occupancy and movement, so lighting can be reduced or increased as needed. Natural light can be “harvested” which also reduces costs. Because lighting is everywhere in a building, every piece of production and transit equipment, raw and finished stock, as well as people’s locations and movements can be tracked.

This data gives insights into optimum stocking, transport, and investment decisions, so specific questions can answered. For example:

  • Are stock items stored in the most accessible locations?
  • Is in-building movement the most efficient or do forklift drivers, for example, take an unexpected (and longer) route to avoid obstacles no one else is aware of?
  • Would changing inventory locations reduce transit costs and improve productivity?
  • If the sensors show that high energy usage activities are being carried out during maximum kWh-cost periods, can they be rescheduled to lower kWh time slots?
  • Is some production equipment operating less efficiently (resulting in lower output) than comparable equipment? If so, would investing in new plant deliver the right ROI?

Answers to these and other questions all become available by installing the right sensors to the right LED units.

The Takeaway

Smart lighting systems expand to become smart production and distribution processes. Good lighting improves productivity and safety performance. It also, when linked to action which is automatically monitored by overhead sensors, gives management comprehensive insights from the analyzed data.

This enables managers to make sophisticated and accurate decisions about how the facility is run. If you would like to discuss Relumination can support your drive for greater efficiencies, higher productivity, and lower costs, pleaseĀ contact us.