Planning for a Simple Lighting Retrofit

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If your commercial lighting setup is old and out-of-date, consider a complete retrofit of the system. Retrofitting involves renovating the fixtures in specific premises to improve performance. When the undertaking is conducted well, you will notice better lighting input. Other potential benefits include reduced long-term energy costs, lower light pollution and Eco-friendliness. Here are essential guidelines for planning for your lighting retrofit.

Evaluate the Specific Needs

It is important to evaluate the required lighting output in your commercial premises. In simple terms, optimal lighting should provide sufficient and comfortable illumination. Therefore, during your retrofit, consider checking out your building and determining if there is enough lighting for optimal comfort. The best level of lighting will depend on the current and future use of individual spaces. If there are areas which are too dark, plan for increasing the overall lighting input. Some areas might be too bright for comfort. In this case, it is advisable to reduce light intensity or bulb temperature.

Consider Energy Waste

You should evaluate energy usage in your commercial spaces and identify potential sources of waste. It is not uncommon for businesses to spend more on electricity due to poor lighting decisions. Therefore, conduct an audit of your lighting setup. One of the common problems that result in energy wastage is poor choice of bulbs. Avoid older fixtures which use a lot of power and emit heat. You can reduce your total costs significantly by installing energy-saving options like LED.

Prepare a Budget

Lighting retrofits can be a little costly, depending on the scale of work. However, proper planning can reduce the burden on your business. When preparing for the project, you should determine if you are eligible for rebates, grants or tax incentives. These are established to encourage more businesses to opt for better lighting and reduce energy wastage. Take advantage of these benefits to minimize your expenses. It is also important to shop for suitable lighting products and understand the implication of the purchases.

Choose an Expert

Retrofitting your entire commercial lighting setup will require significant level of skills and experience. The renovation cannot be considered effective if you only replace your bulbs. Therefore, you will need to engage a specialist for the project. Choose a contractor capable of providing best value at a reasonable price. In addition, consider the level of service that they can provide. An ideal retro-fitter should provide comprehensive help, including conducting energy audits, handling photometric analysis and handling rebate research.

If you would like to learn more about improving your commercial lighting, contact us.