Why a LED Lighting Retrofit is so Beneficial to Commercial Industries

What is a Lighting Retrofit?

A lighting retrofit is the installation of new light fixtures that weren’t there before. In this article, I will be going over all the benefits you can expect to see with your lighting retrofit.

What Exactly are the Benefits?

One of the most apparent benefits comes from the fact that you save energy and bulbs with LED. Ā Customers have seen upwards of a 90% reduction in energy consumption. When replacing old technology with LED, a facility can extend the lamp life, reduce maintenance costs and provide superior lighting compared to all other lighting systems. You won’t have to worry about dimly lit rooms ever again. One little known benefit is the heat given off by LED is far lower than other lights. The build-up of heat from older lights can set off your HVAC system and give you unnecessary expenses.

Secondly, potential tax breaks and utility incentives. Depending on your residency and the kinds of lights you wish to get installed, retrofitting could make you qualified for an assortment of tax breaks, incentives and grants. These are offered through government and utility programs to encourage companies to be more green.

Thirdly, safety reasons. An adequately lit office is free from dark areas, flickering, and even poor color of light. Luckily, LED provides a clean and crisp view. The quality of the light makes it appear more natural, especially when compared to older lighting systems. Consequently, this results in far fewer workplace incidents, allowing Business owners to breathe easier. Employees will also have a much easier time getting their work done in a well-illuminated workspace, increasing productivity. Ā The brightness from the lights also deters criminals who may want to break in and take advantage of poor lighting.

Lighting Retrofits can drastically improve the work environment, while simultaneously saving you BIG. You can make your money back off of your savings, tax cuts, utility incentives or grants you get access to after making the switch.

Why Upgrade?

The bottom line of most businesses is to save as much money as possible. With a lighting retrofit, you can know you’re making the right call. With LED’s money-saving potential, it would not be very reasonable to stick to older lights, especially when there are potential government programs that can profoundly assist with the cost of installation. Over time, using older, inefficient lights will cost you more than if you spent the money to have an LED lighting retrofit. Overall if you’re interested in saving money while improving the safety of the work environment, contact us.

Benefits of Manufacturing Facility Lighting Retrofits

Retrofitting Lighting Systems

Retrofitting a production facility’s lighting has many benefits. So many manufacturing facilities use metal halide high bay fixtures or other fluorescent lighting. While these have advantages over some other systems, LED lighting offers many benefits making a retrofit a sound business decision. Every business wants to lower its operating costs, maximize productivity, and increase employee morale. Installing the latest lighting systems can achieve all three.


Cost savings are the obvious benefit. Utility costs can be reduced by as much as 70%, but even a 30 – 50% saving can make a lot of sense when taken over three or four years. This sort of saving not only delivers a quick ROI, but in future years it continues to deliver lower costs. Motion sensors mean that local area lighting can be dimmed when that area is free of activity and instantly fully illuminated when the sensors detect activity.

In many states, there are rebates and incentives to companies which install new lighting and reduce energy use. We are experts in navigating how you can qualify for the rebates and incentives andĀ will handle it on your behalf. Those incentives deliver even faster ROI.

Another potential saving from an LED lighting system is that the heat generated by older systems disappears. That can have a direct impact on cooling needs and A/C costs.

Higher Productivity, Safety, and Morale

Employees working in a well-lit area are less likely to make simple mistakes, for no other reason than they can see exactly what they are doing. Better lighting also improves safety levels. When employees see well, they automatically avoid potential mishaps and accidents. Nothing disrupts productivity and lowers morale like a serious accident.

On a minor note, LEDs do not buzz, so that little irritation disappears, which can also improve morale and productivity.

No Productivity Disruption

We will work around your systems and schedules to ensure your productivity is not disrupted. Many manufacturing facilities have regular preventive maintenance, repair, and new equipment installation events. We can work with your teams to do our work while projects like these are in hand.

The Takeaway

There are many benefits, both immediate and long-term, to retrofit your manufacturing plant’s lighting system. The decision is based on knowledge, so if you would like to learn more and arrange an initial consultation, please justĀ click here to contact us.