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Does Energy-Efficiency Eventually Pay For Itself?

Businesses have to keep a firm eye on both their bottom line and their overhead in order to maximize their profits. For example, say a business could reduce its monthly electricity bill by one-third the cost without losing any current operations. That’s an obvious win-win situation, but what lots of businesses don’t realize is that energy-efficiency, particularly in their lighting, can have results that are this dramatic.

Is It Really That Simple?

Yes, and no. Every business and building is unique, and as such the solutions for making that business’s lighting more energy-efficient are also unique. In some instances that might mean something as basic as replacing incandescent light bulbs with LED light bulbs, since LED bulbs use about 80 percent less energy, and generate no heat. In other instances it might mean re-designing entire fixtures so that fewer lights can be used to deliver the same illumination to the same area.

The way the process works is that our professionals will consult with clients, and examine the buildings in question. Once experts have examined the system that’s currently in place they can lay out options for the client, along with predictions on how much new a system or changeovers will cost initially, and how much they’ll save over time. After clients choose the options they want, our installers get to work taking a business from how it is, to how it should be.

It’s important to remember that energy-efficiency is an investment, and like all investments it will pay off in the long-term. For example, lights that use 80 percent less power and last for an additional 3 years, will allow you to spend a lot less money several years in the future, even if it feels like a burden to pay for the system today.