Meeting Industry Standards for Lighting Warehouses

Warehouse productivity is directly linked to good lighting. Poorly-lit areas can result in mistakes, accidents, lower productivity, and higher operating costs. A well-lit warehouse enables companies to counter all of these negatives, resulting in higher productivity, lower operating costs, and therefore, higher profits. Integral to achieving the positive results is a basic understanding warehouse lighting standards.

Regulation Standards

OSHA Standards govern installation requirements for warehouse lighting and other industrial and commercial activities. OSHA measures light in “foot-candles.” One foot candle is the amount of light needed to illuminate one square foot of area from a uniform light source. While this takes detailed analysis and calculation, our customers know that we do those calculations on their behalf as part of our job specification. The regulations say that areas should be effectively lit with even distribution, and no gaps, across the work area. The light should be bright enough for specific jobs to be carried out without eye strain or dazzle.

How Relumination Works to Support These Standards

Firstly, we understand the need for our customers to maximize productivity and comply with State and Federal requirements. We are successful and well-established. We have in-depth experience of installing and updating warehouse and distribution lighting systems. Our responsibilities for our customers include:

  • Keeping up to date with State and federal standards.
  • Knowing OSHA regulations and how to build changes into the projects we are working on.
  • Keeping track of compliance tasks as they apply to projects and maintenance programs.
  • Using the latest OSHA software to do the calculations each regulatory standard demands.
  • Keeping all work streamlined so jobs are completed efficiently and without disrupting the warehouse productivity.

To achieve this we apply a powerful 6-Step Process. We begin with a detailed Needs Analysis followed by an engineered systems design which uses your current lighting locations and intensity to calculate the most efficient system for your facility.

We use the latest in photometric technology to ensure you get the right lighting intensity. Photometrics is a system which analyzes current lighting the way a human eye sees it. This means we can accurately design and install exactly the right kind of lighting. We propose everything in detail, allocate a dedicated project manager to ensure everything is done and completed as agreed. We then check everything, train your staff as needed, and begin our warranty and service support process.

 Choosing Lighting Fixtures

Obviously lighting fixture choice is driven by both regulation standards and bottom-line results. There are three main types of warehouse lighting: LED, fluorescent, and high-intensity discharge. LED lighting is the most cost-efficient because of:

  • The lower level of electricity consumption.
  • The longer lifespan (up to 250,000 hours.)
  • The ability to include customized and adaptable controls ranging from basic motion sensing to task tuning and progressive dimming. Providing even more energy savings.
  • Initial costs can be offset by the many local utility companies offering incentives for energy-efficient upgrades. Our staff has expertise and experience to navigate all of the utility rebate guidelines to maximize available dollars.

Our goal is to help you achieve your goals. Contact us to discuss your plans, answer your questions, and offer the advice you will need to make the best decisions.

Lighting Education: The Importance of Energy-Efficiency

Most of us never really think about how efficient our lighting systems are. Mostly we only care if it turns on when we flick the switch, and if it actually provides enough light to see by. However, when it comes to how much energy our lights are actually burning, you should be concerned, because it affects not just your bottom line, but everyone else’s as well.

Energy efficiency matters for everyone out there, and is something we should all care about. It all starts with your electricity bill.

Your electricity bill is just the cost of doing business, and there’s no way you can avoid it short of installing a self-sufficient energy-generating system on your premises. However, you can reduce what you’re paying by switching to more energy-efficient lighting. For example, by replacing traditional fluorescent lighting system with LED, customer’s would see up to 70% decrease in energy usage. With the upgrade to LED, you’ve now increased the available control capabilities which could provide an additional 20-25% in energy savings. While these upgrades can appear more expensive at first glance, they last years longer and provide the ability for the lighting to grow with the business. Once the upgrade is complete you reap the benefits on the back end by paying less in operating costs, improving safety and quality of the environment which have been proven to result in happier, more productive employees.

However, energy efficiency is sort of like recycling; when everyone gets involved, it makes a significant difference. Imagine, for a moment, if every business cut their electricity demands for lighting in half. The sheer amount of strain that would take off the local power grid is not a small thing. When you calculate it in terms of saved resources, and pollution that’s avoided, it makes an even bigger difference. The less power that’s necessary, the fewer resources we use overall, and the easier it becomes to replace our older, more harmful systems with newer, cleaner ones.

So if you change one bulb to be more efficient, it’s the same as recycling one can. It might not do much on its own, but if you do it every time, and if other business owners, your customers, and your community get involved, it will make huge changes by the time you’ve all combined your efforts.

For more information on how you can start being more energy efficient today, simply contact us today!