LED Lighting: The Best Solution

Did you know that incandescent light bulbs are no longer being manufactured in the United States? Those lights we have relied on since Thomas Edison invented them back in the 1800s are no longer available for sale. So where does that leave you for your business lighting needs? There are two primary solution options available to businesses: CFL and LED lighting. While both have their advantages, only LED lighting comes out on top when it comes to replacing your incandescent or fluorescent bulbs when they burn out.
Relumination has a the information and tools you need to make the switch to LED lighting. While LED bulbs have a higher initial cost than incandescent or CFL bulbs, their operating cost is much lower, and over the (very long) lifetime of the bulb, your business will ultimately save money on your energy costs. An LED lighting solution will last for up to 10 years of regular use. And LED lighting uses less power, while still delivering the same equivalent light output, which makes their operating cost pennies a day. This is compared to a traditional incandescent bulb which costs dollars a day to operate, if left on all the time.
Each business is unique and requires a unique solution, but all businesses can benefit from the switch to LED lighting. Relumination can help you answer the questions you may have, and will help you develop a plan for lighting your business with LED lighting.