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It’s Time to Upgrade to LED Lighting

Lighting contributes to a significant portion of any electricity bill, and homeowners and business owners alike have been searching for the solution to skyrocketing bills for decades. Smart consumers consider all the options when looking to lower their energy consumption and, inevitably, their electricity bills. LED lights offer the chance for lower energy usage, positive environmental impacts, and better lighting performance. Any home or business owner would be wise to consider LED lighting options when considering how and when to lower their monthly energy bills.

Lower Energy Usage

LED lights use less energy, which translates to lower energy costs. Seems like a no-brainer, right? Many prevailing opinions claim that LED lights cost considerably more than the alternatives, but this is not true. In recent years, the price gap between LED and other lights has decreased significantly, providing an affordable way to save both energy and money in the home and business.

Positive Environmental Impacts

LED lights provide fewer environmental concerns than fluorescent lighting options, making them even more attractive to consumers. LED lights last up to 20% longer than other lights, requiring replacement at a lower rate than others. In addition, LED lightbulbs contain no mercury, a harmful material in many other light bulbs. The harmful materials plus shorter lifespans make other options much less appealing than LED.

Better Lighting Performance

Many users of LED lights know the improved lighting experience over other lighting options. Their energy efficiency means they use a smaller amount of energy to provide brighter lights.  LED lights can provide 33% more light per bulb than incandescent and fluorescent alternatives. Additionally, LED lights let off less heat than others, meaning they use almost all of their energy for light instead of heat energy.