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How to Keep the Lights on in Your Hotel

In today’s economy, hotels and motels are a thriving market and the demand for these will continue to grow as time moves on. We find them convenient for business, leisure, and sadly even in the occasional emergency. Either way, hotel and motel owners gain a lot of guests in any given week. A huge factor in keeping the lights on literally has to do with lighting! More business is always desired as a hotel or motel owner, but also comes along with high energy costs due to lighting. Energy efficient lighting is also an attribute for safety and most importantly, it can bring back guests.

According to Energy Star, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that the top use of hotel’s energy is used for lighting. No matter what the size of the establishment may be, there will always be a need for various types of lighting. With that said, why not choose the most energy efficient type possible to reduce the bill? Most businesses nowadays have chosen to use energy efficient lights and can benefit from them.

In addition to cost efficiency, let’s discuss safety. As an owner, safety is a top priority for running a business let alone a lodging establishment. Obviously, there’s the importance of having great lighting in order for your guests to be able to get around their rooms. Nobody will want to struggle to look for a simple lamp or light switch. Also, your guest’s safety is not at risk when using energy efficient lights. They are entirely environment-friendly which means they’ll be safe for your guests.

Above all, you want your guests to want to come back. Guests, in general, feel comfortable with plenty of lighting available to them in their rooms. This makes the rooms more inviting and is a valuable factor that your guests will certainly remember.

Contact us for any of your commercial or industrial needs.