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3 Myths About LED Lighting

When any new type of technology is introduced or whenever there is something many people do not know about, there always seems to be a variety of false information being spread around. Unfortunately, this false information gets talked about so much that people begin to accept the false information as true information.

Since LED lighting is being used more now than in previous years, more myths and misconceptions continue to spread. We find it very surprising that so many people believe these myths and misconceptions because some of them can be very outrageous. We want to point out some of the common myths and misconceptions we have heard over recent years and finally disprove them.

Myth 1: LEDs Costs Too Much

When it comes to LED lighting, many people worry about the price tag, and this is very understandable. However, this may only be true if you are thinking about the overall costs as far from an upfront perspective. When you are discussing LEDs from an upfront perspective, it can be more expensive when you compare it to the other options on the table. However, LED lighting has a greater value when you look at it over the course of an entire lifespan. While you will pay more for an LED light bulb or light fixture, the usage of your electricity will not be as expensive. Also, you will not need to worry about constantly replacing light bulbs or paying for any repairs or maintenance on your light bulb or fixture.

Myth 2: Lighting Does Not Have A Big Impact On My Utility Bill

Many people do not see a need to change their lighting because they feel that it does not have a major impact on their electricity bill. However, the other items you have in your home have been designed to be more energy-efficient. Since other items in your home are being improved and are more energy-efficient, you will need to make changes to your lighting as well. If you do not make these changes, you can expect to see a high increase in the percentage that lighting accounts for in regards to your electricity bill.

Myth 3: LED Lights Are Not Bright 

Incandescent light bulbs were measured differently than it actually should have been measured. In previous years, the brightness was measured by wattage. However, the brightness of a light bulb should have been measured by lumens. As a result of brightness being measured incorrectly, people were not purchasing the correct lighting. Today, it is important to pay close attention to luminosity instead of the wattage of a light bulb.

Have you heard any of these myths about LED lighting? Have any of these myths led you to stay away from LED lighting? Do not let the myths about LED lighting stop you from changing your lighting. For more information on LED lighting, please do not hesitate to contact us today.