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Protect Your Customers and Your Business with LED Lighting

As a responsible business owner, you’ve kept your property safe for both your customers and employees by looking for and promptly correcting safety hazards. Injured employees reduce your productivity and their insurance claims increase premiums. When customers get injured, you risk possible litigation and losing their repeat business. One of the most common injuries sustained on business property is slip, trip, and fall accidents. These can occur in any area frequented by foot traffic.

For example, staircases are often the site of fall injuries. They and their railings should be structurally sound. Carpeting at their top and bottom must be free of wrinkles and well secured. Likewise, parking lot pavement shouldn’t have large pot holes, cracks, or other tripping hazards. It must be cleared of ice and snow. Similar upkeep duties exist for sidewalks, walkways, and garages. In addition to structural problems and slippery surfaces, another common cause of slip, trip, and fall accidents is poor lighting.

In fact, poor lighting alone is a big risk factor in these accidents. In some ways, lighting is the weakest link in your efforts to keep your business premises safe. One burnt out or dimming/flickering bulb can make sections of your otherwise well maintained property unsafe. Business owners are required to cordon off or place a warning next to uncorrected safety hazards. However, unless the warnings are themselves lights, they become invisible without good lighting.

LED lighting will last up to five times longer than CFL lights. LED lighting also has a fuller frequency spectrum than CFL lights. This means the light is more similar to daylight and therefore provides better illumination. Longer lifetime and better light add up to better protection of your customers, employees, and your business. Other benefits include lower energy costs and reduced maintenance requirements.